Green Timber Investments
A portion of Green Timber Investment’s initial capital will be allocated to other timber opportunities through the stock market. Our stock portfolio will primarily consist of large, stable timber Real Estate Investment Trusts. We will be exploring other opportunities, such as the new Claymore Timber Exchange-Traded Fund, as well. We will be looking for stability, dividend yield, and growth prospects, in that order.

During the course of our research we’ve heard many times that when tree plantations fail it is usually because they run out of cash. Maybe a bridge washed out, a truck broke down, or the labor estimates turned out to be low; but relatively minor hiccups can turn into a major problem if the resources aren’t available to set things right. Our stock portfolio will serve as a source of emergency capital available in the medium to long term that can be tapped if we are hit with large unexpected expenses at an inopportune time. The stock portfolio allows us to keep a healthy reserve account without leaving too much cash in the bank.

2008 © Green Timber Investments. All Rights Reserved.